The Painful Price of Green Almonds

As a young child, the incident with the almond tree and my cousin shattered my trust in family bonds. His ferocity and false accusations left me feeling powerless and betrayed. This early experience taught me the harsh reality of cruelty within kinship, making it challenging for me to trust and form new connections.

Bid Farewell to Ramadan, Not to Good Deeds

Ramadan's lessons in kindness and generosity should endure beyond its end. Small acts of kindness, like a smile or a helping hand, can light up your world. Cultivate good deeds year-round, and see them flourish. As Ramadan ends, your journey to becoming a better person is just beginning. Eid ul Fitr Mubarak. #RamadanReflections

Charity Does Not Lessen Your Wealth

Giving to charity goes beyond just giving money; it's about kindness, caring for others, and improving one's heart and community, especially in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the benefits of charity. It creates a chain of positivity, benefiting both the giver and receiver. It's about spreading love and care, leading to unexpected returns. #charity #kindness #Islam

The Two-Faced People Are The Absolute Worst

Like me, you've probably come across people who radiate sunshine and charm in one setting, then turn frosty and distant in another. These chameleons of personality, the two-faced folks, can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and questioning your own judgment. Their ability to switch masks depending on the audience is an act of social acrobatics,... Continue Reading →

First Seek Forgiveness from Creation, Then Creator

Ramadan's final nights, especially the 27th known as Lailat al-Qadr, offer a unique opportunity to seek closeness to Allah and blessings. It's important to seek forgiveness from those we've wronged before seeking Allah's forgiveness. This proactive approach ensures spiritual readiness and sets the stage for profound spiritual growth during this auspicious time.

Liars Often Repeat Everything They Hear

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) warned against spreading unchecked information, stating: “‘It is enough of a lie for a man to narrate everything he hears’. (Sahih Muslim 5)” Spreading unverified gossip can harm relationships and cause strife. Verify information before sharing to preserve trust and uphold honesty.

The Mujahid Is One Who Strives Against His Own Soul

As the last few days of Ramadan are upon us, it’s time to reflect. Have you truly understood its essence? Ramadan is more than just fasting, feasting, or reciting verses (without understanding them). It’s a personal battle, a jihad against your own desires. It’s about taming your temper, reigning in your cravings, and fortifying your... Continue Reading →

Goodness Shines when You Donate What’s Dearest to You

My father has a saying that’s stuck with me. He always says that real giving should cost us something. He believes that if a donation or service doesn’t pinch a bit, it’s just your duty (Fardh). Hey says that "Charity" is about offering something that took effort to earn or might be hard to replace.... Continue Reading →

Tears Sow Dua, Sajood Makes Them Bloom

When your heart yearns to connect with Allah, there’s a special place for you - the sujood (prostration). It’s a shelter where language has no barriers. You can pour out your heart, sharing your joys and sorrows in any language. Allah, who knows all, cherishes your sincerity and submission. In return, you’ll find comfort and... Continue Reading →

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