The Painful Price of Green Almonds

As a young child, the incident with the almond tree and my cousin shattered my trust in family bonds. His ferocity and false accusations left me feeling powerless and betrayed. This early experience taught me the harsh reality of cruelty within kinship, making it challenging for me to trust and form new connections.

Compassion: A Beautiful Quality That Can Transform Your Life

Compassion is an absolutely lovely quality that can bring so much love and happiness into your life. It's about being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to understand what they're feeling and what they're going through, and to offer kindness and care towards them. Did you know that being compassionate can also have... Continue Reading →

Embracing Sensitivity

Evenings bring a heaviness to my heart. Depression floods my head and body. I can't pinpoint why it happens, but I know it's been with me since I was a child. As a sensitive introvert, I often feel like I'm swimming against the tide of the world. It's easy to feel like something is wrong... Continue Reading →

The Art of Letting Go

As we journey through life, we accumulate experiences, relationships, possessions, and memories. These things define who we are and bring us joy and happiness. However, there comes a time when we must learn the art of letting go.Letting go is a skill that requires practice, patience, and a little bit of bravery. It's not an... Continue Reading →

How to Overcome Laziness

Greetings my friend. Today, I wish to discuss an issue that afflicts many of us: the annoying enemy of productivity, laziness. It is a condition that can consume even the most industrious individuals, leaving us unmotivated and unproductive. But fear not, for there are ways to vanquish this foe and emerge victorious.Firstly, it is important... Continue Reading →

Depression in Kashmir

Depression has become a pervasive and deeply concerning mental health condition among the people of Kashmir. This is due in large part to the ongoing political turmoil and violence that have plagued the region for decades. Research has shown that the prevalence of depression among the people of Kashmir is considerably higher than the national... Continue Reading →

Perspectives on Suicidal Ideation

The topic of suicide from an ethical perspective has been the subject of debate among philosophers for centuries. One of the key ethical considerations is the morality of taking one's own life. Various ethical theories, such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics, have been applied to the question of suicide. However, a consensus has yet... Continue Reading →

Affectation is Garbage: Why Being Genuine is Always Better than Faking It

Greetings, chaps! I'm feeling a tad under the weather today, thanks to a pesky cold that's got me sneezing and sniffling. However, do you know what's really getting me down? Affectation — that phoney behaviour that some people use to try and impress others. This evening, I was on a video call with my niece,... Continue Reading →

The Struggles of an Introvert: Behind The Quietness

Introversion. It's a word that often comes with a lot of misconceptions. People think that introverts are shy, antisocial, and boring. But as an introvert myself, I can tell you that there's a lot more to it than that. Sure, we may not be the life of the party, but we have a lot of... Continue Reading →

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